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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package signal.core.r4#0.2.10 (63 ms)

Package signal.core.r4
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=signal.core.r4@0.2.10&canonical=http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-orderdetail
Url http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-orderdetail
Version 4.0.1
Status draft
Date 2019-11-01T09:29:23+11:00
Name ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodes
Title Service Request Order Details Codes
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description An example value set of Codified order entry details concepts. These concepts only make sense in the context of what is being ordered. This example is for a patient ventilation order
Copyright This specification includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org.

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http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT (all versions)
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Service Request Order Details Codes

An example value set of Codified order entry details concepts. These concepts only make sense in the context of what is being ordered. This example is for a patient ventilation order

Copyright Statement:

This specification includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • Include these codes as defined in http://snomed.info/sct
    47545007Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)
    286812008Pressure controlled ventilation (procedure)
    243144002Patient triggered inspiratory assistance (procedure)
    243150007Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation (procedure)
    59427005Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (procedure)


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "servicerequest-orderdetail",
  "meta" : {
    "lastUpdated" : "2019-11-01T09:29:23.356+11:00",
    "profile" : [
    "versionId" : "944390a4-3175-4be2-9705-7c58414dbe46"
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2>Service Request Order Details Codes</h2><div><p>An example value set of Codified order entry details concepts. These concepts only make sense in the context of what is being ordered. This example is for a patient ventilation order</p>\n</div><p><b>Copyright Statement:</b></p><div><p>This specification includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org.</p>\n</div><p>This value set includes codes from the following code systems:</p><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"http://www.snomed.org/\"><code>http://snomed.info/sct</code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&amp;conceptId1=47545007\">47545007</a></td><td>Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)</td><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&amp;conceptId1=286812008\">286812008</a></td><td>Pressure controlled ventilation (procedure)</td><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&amp;conceptId1=243144002\">243144002</a></td><td>Patient triggered inspiratory assistance (procedure)</td><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&amp;conceptId1=243150007\">243150007</a></td><td>Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation (procedure)</td><td/></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?perspective=full&amp;conceptId1=59427005\">59427005</a></td><td>Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (procedure)</td><td/></tr></table></li></ul></div>"
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg",
      "valueCode" : "oo"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status",
      "valueCode" : "draft"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm",
      "valueInteger" : 1
  "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-orderdetail",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.435"
  "version" : "4.0.1",
  "name" : "ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodes",
  "title" : "Service Request Order Details Codes",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2019-11-01T09:29:23+11:00",
  "publisher" : "Orders and Observations Workgroup",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/orders/index.cfm"
  "description" : "An example value set of Codified order entry details concepts. These concepts only make sense in the context of what is being ordered. This example is for a patient ventilation order",
  "copyright" : "This specification includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org.",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "47545007",
            "display" : "Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)",
            "designation" : [
                "value" : "CPAP"
            "code" : "286812008",
            "display" : "Pressure controlled ventilation (procedure)",
            "designation" : [
                "value" : "PCV"
            "code" : "243144002",
            "display" : "Patient triggered inspiratory assistance (procedure)",
            "designation" : [
                "value" : "IPPB"
            "code" : "243150007",
            "display" : "Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation (procedure)",
            "designation" : [
                "value" : "ACV"
            "code" : "59427005",
            "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (procedure)",
            "designation" : [
                "value" : "SIMV"
  "expansion" : {
    "timestamp" : "2023-08-07T11:17:04.0352837+00:00",
    "total" : 5,
    "contains" : [
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "code" : "47545007",
        "display" : "Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy)"
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "code" : "286812008",
        "display" : "Pressure controlled ventilation (procedure)"
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "code" : "243144002",
        "display" : "Patient triggered inspiratory assistance (procedure)"
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "code" : "243150007",
        "display" : "Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation (procedure)"
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "code" : "59427005",
        "display" : "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (procedure)"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.